Tuesday, February 01, 2005

  SWEET or ..?

kenapa sih mas selalu tanya manis ato tawar, tp kenapa juga aye selalu jawab es teh? biar lu binun
in my silly opinion ICE TEA is a glass of tea and a bunch of ice cube no more no less, no sugar, no lemon..

So I always pissed off if I ordered a glass of ice tea in a restaurant or others eating place, the waiter always asked :"sweet tea or plain tea?" and I never bore to answer with this: "mas, please listen to me carefully, I just ordered a glass of ice tea, I think it supposed to be ice and tea no more and no less" and then the waiter reply again :"yes mam, but is it sweet or plain tea?" whoooo arggggghh did I wrong?

But it is not available in an expensive or in a hotel's eating place, because they always serve tea and sugar separately, so they didn't bother to ask me "sweet or plain tea".. I love ice tea, I don't like hot tea or tea in a traditional way , I just like ICE TEA.. viva ICE TEA.. no sugar no lemon just ice and tea...!

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