Tuesday, November 08, 2005


It was a fine morning in November 1994, when I heard uproar voice from outside  my home, and when I checked, I found a crowd, I asked "what happen?", and they answered "Mr. Clinton would be here in the minute", "Oh Mr. Clinton the president?" yes the president of US. In November 1994 APEC Summit held in Bogor.. and Mr. Clinton came to Jakarta to attend the meeting, and after it was over, Hilary Clinton was attending the meeting with women activists while Mr. Clinton spent his spare time to visit Antique Market at Jalan Surabaya Menteng.

fyi: my home was in Menteng, at jalan Surabaya behind the antique  market. Antique market jalan Surabaya Menteng is A unique shopping opportunity, lively open-air antique market on the fringes of the Menteng residential neighborhood. A good place to bargain for exotic treasures. Lots of puppets and brass for sale.




I ran back in to my house and told my husband and in a minute later we *my husband - my son and my self* joined the crowd and stood at one of the kiosk, waited for Mr President of US, and the scenery at jalan Surabaya was very "Hollywood movie" because I saw a presidential limousine in the middle of jalan Surabaya *yes he brought his own* and a bunch of secret service which was, their body were as big as my door and of course with their black eye glasses.. and a wire on their ear..

And suddenly Mr President was standing in front of us, and he shook our hand. OMG we were shaking the hand of US president.. I never forget this moment, we were in a very casual home clothes "baju-rombeng-rumahan" to be precise.. and he was with his casual shirt too, his cheek was red, and he always smile to everybody.. but the bad news was : we didn't have a photo for this moment because it was all the sudden and we just ran of to see Mr President..

I amazed why we were not kicked off from the crowd *secara dia itu presiden Amerika gitu loh, yang katanya Secret Servicenya gimana gitu*, maybe the body guards were very sure that we wouldn't do anything harm to Mr President, but if they knew that my son was have a chicken pox that day, maybe there was another story.. oops.. yes he was getting chicken pox when he met Mr Clinton..

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